الحمدلله علي كل حال😞😞😞😞 - (12 years ago)Comment (0)
bentelah i'm saying hi for all arabic people iam emy from egypt - (14 years ago)Comment (1)
bentelah god pleas egypt & all egyptian - (14 years ago)Comment (3)
bentelah egypt is a part of heaven - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
bentelah to be alone is not a problem but u partner cheats on u it's a desartir - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
bentelah to find good friends u mast keep looking - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
bentelah true love is very rear in this world - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
bentelah love like ghostes lots talk about it but few whom seeing it - (14 years ago)Comment (2)
bentelah if i found my partner cheating me i'll leave him - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
bentelah love like ghostes lots talk about it but few whom seeing it - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
bentelah hi every body have a nice day - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
bentelah iam proud to be egyptian - (14 years ago)Comment (1)