Relation: Single | |
Phone Model: Nokia 5310 XpressMusic | |
Occupation: I doNt gIVe up | |
Company: United TraCTorS | |
Schools: SmK 3 KendaL, 09 | |
Fav. Music: Pop, jAzZ, ROck, aLternatiVe, etc | |
Fav. Movies: TwiLiGh, new mooN, the Lord of the RingS, walL E, diStrict 9, 13, puNk in Love, teArs Of the Sun, kuNgfu Panda, uPin, Ipin, mAdaGAscAR, And ChipMunks | |
Fav. Books: Sains, tecHnOLogy, Desain Grafis Book, | |
Fav. Celebrity: Aura KasiH, Kim Bum, KeAnu ReaVes, sAntana, | |
Skinner Since: 15 years ago | |
Last Login: 15 years ago | |