I'm tired of being all emo and depressed all the time!!! It tottaly suxs:<!!
Today I'm officaly going...RETRO!!!!!! So it might take a while be4 I get used to being retro...
Weird eh?, such a sudden change... who gives a damn anyway?
If u guys got a problem with it just tell me ok^^
btw, u guys can add me i don't mind really:] and since there r lots of people who WANT my fuckin email...get ready 2 hear it:]
Ikilledthepromqueen_1201@hotmail.com _____________________________________ add me on msn:] and when u add me don't give me gay answers saying u add me 4 shit...u only say that if ur a total fuck wit or ur a brainless wit, or both so give me a good reason k:] _________________________________________________ PLEASE DON'T MESSAGE ME, I DON'T REPLY MESSAGES=[ CAUSE EVERYDAY I GOT LOTS OF EM, SO JUST COMMENT ME INSTEAD!!!! _________________________________________________