TheLastBoyOnEARTH (13 years ago) yeAh.. It cOuld be a LOt woRSe.. so i donT ComPLAin.. Much! So hOws lYf iN austraLIA.?
bomma (13 years ago)
TheLastBoyOnEARTH (13 years ago) i'Ve finisHeD hiGh school.. But... I'm attENdiN eXtRa claSsEs.. i.'m alSo woRkin as a phOtogRApher.. toUgh lYf
TheLastBoyOnEARTH (13 years ago) weLcomE 2 Da cluB.. I haTe schOOl 2 wat grAde r yo In?
TheLastBoyOnEARTH (13 years ago) aXLe is mA ReaL NAme.. jaKe is ma sTage nAme.. i used 2 attend drama classes.. Anyway i'm gOoD.. Just tiRed whew! And how bout yo?
TheLastBoyOnEARTH (13 years ago) yor welcome.. rachel.. Um niCE NAme.. i'm axLe parker but i'm alSO KNown as jake..