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 Do you think flirting on the net is cheating?

Do you think flirting on the net is cheating? LOL (12 years ago)

Yes it is..u can even fall in love lol..cant stop chattin wid the One u fell in love with so..cheatin yep (12 years ago)

cheat on whom? when the person on the other side knows ur flirting, how cud that b cheating? THERES NO INTENTION TO DECEIT (12 years ago)

Cheats mean cheats & always cheats ! na ja.. sis (12 years ago)

if some1 falls in love with me i feel like i won  (12 years ago)

oic.. whiteY  (12 years ago)

guess i know this question means i think yes as u know the reason jiejie  (12 years ago)

yeah meimei... awwww! (12 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

of course  (12 years ago)

of course  (12 years ago)

nooo not at all , it totally depends upon his\her will , no one will force to flirt if so accepting and rejecting depends upon you , if u wana flirt got for it , its no cheating after all its one way to kill time , if u don't want .. be it ,we don't have to buy tea plantation to drink a cup of tea  (12 years ago)

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