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 1 thing that u are really missing on os these days??

We all knows os has changed a lot these days its good bcoz change is the need of our world but few chatters obviously really miss some things, tell ur suggestion what u really miss on os (10 years ago)

For me i really miss reseting of os bcoz of my spaming (10 years ago)

I miss kicking in rumchat (10 years ago)

Yeah i miss that 1 too dnt knw y dint admin start that service here in m.forum (10 years ago)

N try put banned tooi must be fun (10 years ago)

It* must (10 years ago)

I am damn sure that some1 some day here on os will listen to uswait till that day juice here on os (10 years ago)

I miss my friends pintu199208 Famb niku09 noori17 piyuu akib07sami ashish03 aashish007 amirznz ali4ali4all mariyamand9070 goharzangel khatak so many  (10 years ago)

and I miss :rofl : :rofl : at that time the rofl smily was not added in mobile version  (10 years ago)

Whats da matter if JU1CE in os yew too in os riten hope dey will listen our crazy ideadun forgt put moded too (10 years ago)

Crazy idea (10 years ago)

Crazy idea sgest by forbiddenyew start dis firstso if admin mad,he will ban yew first (10 years ago)

'Sometimes u have to be crazy in life just to add some laugh in ur daily routine, otherwise ur life will ruin u' what u guys think is it true or not (10 years ago)

Yup yew are rite juz dun take much craziness in ur life or sum1 will call mental hospital (10 years ago)

So it means u r agree wd me:O (10 years ago)

Yeacuz m crazy also (10 years ago)

Really are u a runaway girl frm mental hospital:O (10 years ago)

Yes i aM wanna joinin me hea its fun (10 years ago)

Yeah!! Sure i will join u juice, bt as a doctor to treat u (10 years ago)

Doctormedicine,injection (10 years ago)

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