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 why we want over lost love bacK

why we feel jelous when our ex talks wd other or tryng to fit wd othersnd why we felt that person importance at that momentnd why we want again that..that person should b minE (11 years ago)

I think it is just normal to feel affected, because that person was once the reason why u start your day with a smile then u woke up one day realizing that he/she is no longer yours..  (11 years ago)

gud rodayao (11 years ago)

Whos dat gal (11 years ago)

why u wanna know about her name Misss (11 years ago)

shayd q k woh insan kabhi apka tha ya shayd usky liye dil m pyar baki hoga m to real pyar ki baat kr rahe ho jo dil se hota h timepass wala nai  (11 years ago)

Juz want 2 noe na (11 years ago)

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