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 profile background

hey service can u tel me bout background upload??? (12 years ago)

if u are trusted ownskiner, you can go to the section that config your profile color theme to config the background image as well.

Yep,I am Trusted OwnSkiner. (◕〝◕)♥  -   Comment by GiFT0101
(May 2 2012 5:39PM)
 (12 years ago)

i were tried but background has been not uploaded (12 years ago)

Excuse me! Sir ; In my briefly observation. - there's 2 function to do up loading :- one) by paint tool brush ! Two) by go thru Setting My Color Scheme! -: Disclaimer_ Both ways available to do uploading, What if not ; So Which's one way surely could be fine used to uploading. (12 years ago)

for mobile version background image upload is looking very small, not big as default image which is given in os background pattern.. plz help...  (12 years ago)

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