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 Read Here For Right STEP upload your background!

dear friends...Who facing problem cannot upload please follow to this step!» change by click at >> setting &» select >> My Color Scheme.. & » do upload on that where..! so it can be changed!P/S Bcos' at Tool Brush can't be used at moment! •• For case :: Re-upload the same file pict ~ Kindly rename your file before » do re-uploading!!!,... I hope it helps!! ¥ ..Thank you.. ¥  (12 years ago)

ys sissy.i did thanx so much dear sis for ur info. helpfully  (12 years ago)

Gratitude your kind. (12 years ago)

:::: An Announcement :::: BRUSH tool is available as usually now.. @All Welcome & thanks for all feedback! (12 years ago)

. . . . ??? (12 years ago)

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