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 Why is d rich gettin richer, while d poor r getting poor

Let talk abt dat 1st (12 years ago)

This is prblem of our live today ok i need an idea of that (12 years ago)

Ok thns the hiegher people of the govement is exploiting us what can we going 2do spot it? (12 years ago)

Ok thns the hiegher people of the govement is exploiting us what can we going 2do 2spot it? (12 years ago)

it is due to dishonesty only. Rich people can do anything on the power of money. They can bribe to govt. Servers for service for their children, get black money by dishonesty etc. As poor people don't have any power, they can't do anything. Only they can bear cruelness of rich person. For example, police. Police was made for justice. But today police give the favor to the rich (for few money) rather than poor. So how poor can survive! Poor will become more poor and rich will rich. It is due to money & dishonesty. If every people leave greed of money, there would b no such differences. (12 years ago)

Ame rich people are very fulish they maltred poeple like their slave (12 years ago)

U guys av spoken well, 2 my own thinkin i guess d rich av der way in evrytin. And d rich plan ahead of time. U can neva c d rich pple sittin down witout doin sumtin. While d poor fail 2 plan ahead of time. (12 years ago)

I want 2became very how can i going 2prosite tell my friends pls (12 years ago)

selfish,, oh! this do not mid and mind about, (12 years ago)

Ok my friend (12 years ago)

Because they already have money so they are not afraid to make risk.. (12 years ago)

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