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 Is it OK to love two people at one time?

There are times when people fall in-love with two different person at a time and most of them claimed that it was just an accident or they dont mean to hurt anyone.. Do you think it is ok? Some says that if a man is sincerely in love with his girl, there should be no other woman.. Whats your view about it? (12 years ago)

@shanky, what if you were in a relationship and you wake up one day and realized that your gf doesn't complete you anymore, but other girl does? what would you do?  (12 years ago)

@shanky, in this situation..there is no easy way out, no matter what you do somebody gets hurt.. The two possible outcome is either hurt them or hurt your self.. (12 years ago)

acc. To me relation with two prsn at sme tme wil dfntly hurt som1 coz every 1 wants special place in there belov's heart n we know it very wel that lov is uncertainity smetme we fel in lov quikly n sme tmes it tak lot of tme ,,,,,,,,,,,,so ,,,,,,,always love 1 who lov u ,,,,, (12 years ago)

Its based on the own definition of 'Love' of individuals.. (12 years ago)

 (11 years ago)

hoho only 2? if 3,4,5 how about that? better than Ok! right?

heyyy it gona be confusion for a boy or girl   -   Comment by YourFirstFriend
(Jul 9 2012 12:12PM)
 (11 years ago)

baloch but nt agree  (11 years ago)

yes freind n girl freind love two people at one time :O  (11 years ago)

Ladko ka to limite nai then can love 2 or 4 may b more But girl only 1  (11 years ago)

Ladko ka to limite nai they can love 2 or 4 may b more But girl only 1 sryyy mistake  (11 years ago)

kahan hein wo 2 or 4 hame bhi mila do  (11 years ago)

Its not called love (11 years ago)

Obviously, you can't love two people at the same time. Cause if you do you're being unfair to both of them. The worst it you can lost them both. It's like you can't have the best of both worlds, you can't serve to masters. Well, I'm tryin' to say is you have to choose between them. Cause in the end you only hurt them and there's no easy way to break someone's heart. It hurts but you can only have one. (11 years ago)

Hmmm, Its a good Idea, But never works in Life..... (11 years ago)

Yes. But it's the reality.@something4u (11 years ago)

No its not ... (11 years ago)

Daniel ? U ll be killed  (11 years ago)

by me .. Ok ?  (11 years ago)

I have no doubt abt u lookin like nefertiti's mummy  (11 years ago)

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