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new luk of ownskin.? ! d't lik!t,..! Why they divded forum into 8,! Copyin zedg..! btw adm includd some cool features smiley, comt del option..!! Stiln't lukin dat gud..!!  (12 years ago)

all r gud. But 1 thing i didn't like i.e. No comment shows time at which it is posted. So i will give 4.5 out of 5 points. (12 years ago)

I didn't like the delete option in comments.. If someone deletes their comment, the next coming comments of others based on previous comment will be meaningless.. (12 years ago)

thx for feedback. maybe we only let message that is post 5 minutes ago deletable. (12 years ago)

I think time of last post feature shud add...!!  (12 years ago)

Hmmm........nice thoughts guys!  (12 years ago)

yeah right darkprince. Btw, if these smilies, for example , would b in guestbook and pm, it would b nice.  (12 years ago)

Besides I couldn't find any of my previous comments from previous topics nd nd not being able to log in by Swallow00 id, why is that? (12 years ago)

Alien... Is this rofl ? (12 years ago)

(12 years ago)

yes swallow. It is rofl. The confused word. btw, sorry, rofl smily works in pm. Hope other smilies also work in pm.  (12 years ago)

Its ok Alien!  (12 years ago)

Oops...! Delete option in debatable topics will make confusion to new skinners who wish to become as forum skinners.. According to me, deleting option in any form should not be allowed.. (12 years ago)

And posted timings of comments should be mentioned as were earlier.. (12 years ago)

i think dividing forum is a gud idea  (12 years ago)

alrite, (1) we will remove the Delete option. (2) for timestamp we are doing maintainence right now, will show when done. (3) we will do an option to list all posting under 1 category (Newest)... thx guys for feedback again!  (12 years ago)

I like it. Nd will give it 4.7.  (12 years ago)

@service, gud job man...:claps: (12 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

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