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 What is diffrance between love and friendship

Friendship is much better than love (13 years ago)

Ham ham ! When you make a love with your friend..... You like this you the girl (13 years ago)

Love is heart felling. Friendship is healping (13 years ago)

Mujhe lagtahe ki friendship khali ek jaraiahe apne pyar ko jatane ka aur friendshiphi pyarki taraf badhneka pehela padaw hai. To zara sambhalke pehela padaw tak thikhe magar dusra...¿ (13 years ago)

love is a beautiful like a red rose ... Bt friendshif is evergreen in our lye., coz we shere with or problem bt with or love no way .... (13 years ago)

n0thing at all f0r l0ve s present n evrything only f ur deep en0ugh to see l0ve bhind th0se thngs...jst expressing my opini0n  (13 years ago)

wt i mean s, u cn never have a friend w/o giving l0ve to dt pers0n...so dt's a friendshp l0ve...mybe u mean "c0mmitment and friendshp"  (13 years ago)

i min 2 say da love always give pain ..nd true friend r always give Happyness....so fill da love bt don't do that ... (13 years ago)

Love is a Slow poison.. Nd friendship lyk a Life tym sim...  (13 years ago)

In love, one need trust. In friendship, one need good understanding. (13 years ago)

ther's a simple diff betwn both and dat is-IN LOVE, FRNDSHP IS NOT POSSIBLE BT IN FRNDSHP,THER CAN BE LOVE IN ANY WAY..and another diff is-LOVE EXIST IN ALL RELATION BT FRNDSHP DOESNOT (13 years ago)

agre vith NhynaVictorya (13 years ago)

Thx knights  (13 years ago)

Friend maybe 4rever but love not... (13 years ago)

luv.....fndsip both r ssame.quki isko dil se nivaya jata hai.or both r need faith&.trust. (13 years ago)

first fall people make friendz nd then they make girlfriends. . . So which those r awesome relestaion after we understand them . . . .  (13 years ago)

Vactora is right frndship is better than love (13 years ago)

How r u ADII99  (13 years ago)

Any budy there (13 years ago)

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