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 Y girls always hate boys... they avoid them and they didnt repy any thing.... Y?

no no no, not right question la cherry bro the girls not hate a guys/men/male/ etc , without reason. But if they do avoid there's must bcos' they be aware / be carefully even be afraid of not good pplz more! ::- how do you think? Then cherry bro (12 years ago)

Dear cherry, that dosen't happens wid me. (12 years ago)

@cher, avoiding a person doesnt always mean we hate them.. I agree with mygift that there is a reason for sure.  (12 years ago)

Actually boyz are problm infact they r all spamerAnd come to os just to play with girlz emotionsThey always behaving kind but in realty they r nt thats way girlz hate boyz (12 years ago)

@baloch. huh? are u sure?  (12 years ago)

victoria i am not agree with u ..girls also doing the same thing...i know well ...and i faced it.. (12 years ago)

Cherry may b sm girlz nt ol But all boyz r same.. (12 years ago)

Baloch u r wrong  (12 years ago)

@baloch, I dont think so..  (12 years ago)

:O (12 years ago)

victoria ...no not at all...all girls r the same.......  (12 years ago)

interesting question and there are loads of reasons for it , an unknown person is a threat for girls, as girls can't resist pleasure and fear they are the one's who become ultimate sufferers ,only thing they can do is to ignore ,sumtimes girls brings attitude to life, at this stage they'l prefer guys who seems cool. Most of the girls hate smokers and drunktards even my ex warned me not to smoke lol.For some girls flirting is fun to overcome boredom but some hates flirting and if a guy send stupid erotic msgs girl will react or might get rid of him.Don't use girls as toy , behave and respect them u'l be honoured.  (12 years ago)

If a girl didnt reply , it means she is not interested and cannot directly say it in your face.. (12 years ago)

@manish, I bet someone did that to you.. (12 years ago)

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