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 Os Chat Has Become A Battle Chat

guys i never seen this types of fight/ or you can say drama on other site .. in my carers i never seen these things on any site becoz there we had power to stop that things .. we had able to block IP , IDS , banned user , Delete Post ... every thing was in our Control ..! so we was able to stop that things and finally peoples was not trying to do that such things !  (11 years ago)

but on This site nothing is in CONTROL , We can't Control Users, abusers , fakes , chatroom ... we have no any power to stop these things so that the way we cant able to stop them .. now its depend on them what they do ... Now you can wait for next Ownskin Announcement !  (11 years ago)

after i came on site i done many things but i learned many things too .! here Abusers are making safe his ids with being friend of admin .. this site is not like public community site .. its looking like personal site where Admin and abusers can take own action anytime ... i have learned there if your are friend of admin then you are safe user of Ownskin ! i m having soo bad experience on ownskin . and it so bad i dont wana stay more on this site ... I m Going To Give Resigned To Ownskin ! (11 years ago)

sema thinks that if she give threat to us or admin then admin will be afraid of her  (11 years ago)

a small suggestion if you want to make safe your id then you will have to be friend of admin and always posting on his wall ! hope it a great idea to make safe yours ids ...!! becoz in my os career i have seen many times these things !!  (11 years ago)

Zohaib110 is the radius of this abusing circle he abuses all nation and religion admin take immediate action on this user sorry abuser  (11 years ago)

RANAiiiSAM@ i m not fail to control this site .. i done many thing with that power what i had but id deleting , banning someone and other such things is not in mod hand ... sometimes peoples blaming that mod are not coming to os but truth is mod ae coming but they dont have power to make u all safe that whey thy are unable to delete fake ids at same time ! hop you understand us  (11 years ago)

RANAIISAM and adi302...dont act like a innocent person if a person can insult their site admins and make id names like (dickmadwolf,,which is deleted recently ) dont have right to call others abusers , and sema haya zania non is good girl from them too.. so admin only have one solution to fix the problems that is blocking theirs IP and never allow to use fake ip in caht roomz.only then we live in peace ,THNKS  (11 years ago)

stop insulting each others ,It is not enough to win a war... it is more important to organize the peace.!  (11 years ago)

simoysa If you cannot find peace within yourself you will never find it anywhere else.. ranaraiisam stop over acting here u are not any celebrity for recognizing by mods or admins , (11 years ago)

RANAiiiSAM @ i m not talking about your experience and not askin that you have 3 year experience !! sory i m not ownskin programer so i cant give any power ! (11 years ago)

RANAiiiSAM@ i think you are not getting me ! i said its not in my had . i csnt , delete,ban,remove id ... and if there any issues comes about deleting abusers ids then lots of id wil delete and your id too becoz all are responsible!!  (11 years ago)

ufff you peoples really making confusion .... that why somtimes admins get mistake to take anytype of actions! anyway guys pleas stop your fight and lets start your safe chat again ! (11 years ago)

i m gona leave this topic now ! (11 years ago)

RANAiiiSAM@ i can see that how much experience you have ! i can see what experience you have .. it good or bad i can see that all so no need to know my experience ! i never said that i have soo experience about ownskin !!  (11 years ago)

RANAiiiSAM u gotta learn some manors , (11 years ago)

manners* (11 years ago)

these peoples are just like a virus in Ownskin creating problems everywhere..admin need to run scanner not for fix the problems he have to delete errors,, if u are that much powerful u should create Ur own website be a dad of ur ownself no one is afraid of u, and let us live in peace then mr.RANAiiiSAM  (11 years ago)

thanks for taking those actions owner i knew whtever you will do it will be in chatters wellfare and plz take care we have much more hopes from you (11 years ago)

Funny Topic  (11 years ago)

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