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 the islam

kaboooom! (7 years ago)

u r absolutly right imade mangku jroe. islam peaceful. Allahu Akbar.. (9 years ago)

I'm muslim n I proud to be a muslim. SALAM  (9 years ago)

Hey hey dnt pop the cork yet,u dont knw wat shit u getting uself in.dont misled people. (10 years ago)

and i am muslim and proud to be muslim, if anybody has a problem with that then better you know...i dont give a damn about it (10 years ago)

kamal respect yourself to be respected (10 years ago)

I proud 2be 100%islam sunni (11 years ago)

thanx 4 such topic, may Allah SWT shows us the r8 way and keeps us on 8 till our end. (11 years ago)

Alloo ur name indicate how u r alloo means potato so stop ur wrds respct all ,,,,,,,, (11 years ago)

cheap people always think everybody like them, so Aslam don't care who ever cheap person say anything to you and talks about Islam...Islam is the best religion, and everyone knows with it's proofs, Be Proud To Be Muslim...and keep that in heart...... No fellow has rights to say anything against it without any proof..My Regards...to everyMuslim for Eid ul Fitr...comming soon (11 years ago)

Is it jokes or truth solution for humanity first of all my bro listen carefully all religions are for huminity not only islam islam is also a good religion bt u few people ,,,,,,,,,,,mak it bad,,,,,so stop advertising wat is good wat is bad we al knw it vry wel ,,,,,,n sry if my wrd hurt u but its tru ,,,,,,,,ur thinking power is so cheeeppppp ,,,,,,, (11 years ago)

yea ASAD ur 100% r8! 2 bad some pple cant aaan don wanna believe dis..sometimes da media an da way of presentin islam an muzlimz pushs dem ta tink n dis way :-s bt f u care..go an search 4 dis truth..:-) (12 years ago)

Assalamu'alaikum....all (12 years ago)

Know about my first death? Visit www.siteislami.co.cc (12 years ago)

Yes u r right asad..! (12 years ago)

Solution for humanity...  (12 years ago)

Asslamou aly ku m (12 years ago)

i am proud to be a muslim boy.Islam the solution 4 humanity.plz!everyone read u about the islam.Islam is the universal religion. (12 years ago)

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