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 Y girls posts are always long enough to make u dizzy?

Good to see u again on my topic kneet and yep i feel dizzy bcoz they are quite heavy and large (11 years ago)

Well i think nw u understand kneet what my point is (11 years ago)

Ok!! I m confused na wd ur so much long post:O knett thts what i am saying small post are quite effective.... (11 years ago)

Kneet smartness is not a synonym of ur post lengths even an idiot can post large like smedays ago ur fake here and sme moths ago my fake is dong so in os chat and 1 more thing being smart is he way as i am and as per ur rule i am also making long so nw theres no doubt na (11 years ago)

i didnt write a long post b4  (11 years ago)

Blah!! Blah!! Blah!! Y girls write so long here in forum  (11 years ago)

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