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My apology for touching your posts guys what's goin on to far please being in topic what's about now democracy goin on? How about newbie Morocco officially the Kingdom? (12 years ago)

I knew that who is Ruddin.. (12 years ago)

helu ruddin.  (12 years ago)

Ruddin.. You are right.. I said, hmmm..hmmm.. For that reason only..  (12 years ago)

ruddin, it seems that u r old guy of mforum. btw, who r u?  (12 years ago)

phoenix what happened to u? do u want to go thailand? come with me!  (12 years ago)

Hmmm... alien..! Thailand..! Hmmmm.. Hmmmm..  (12 years ago)

jenny, i want to ask 1 thing. -> R u from Thailand?  (12 years ago)

wkwkw.. hey it was wrong emoticons .. sorry sorry la.. I don't mean ta yelling at ya.... (12 years ago)

haha..better you know.. alien.. who I've mentioned to... & what a situation of where that happened lately.. it quite seriously I know... but I won't you all taking it seriously on everydays as we already are much more tension in life :smileAliveRedWine.. It called Protest ..not mob la.. .. nice answer.. baby .. go on ;) (12 years ago)

@bugty...hey i remember U french boy i think the problem of corruption isnt easy to solve,and i think it depend on the system.im sure im not support them,before i said that the vote of people(U too) its very improtant.however i dont want to mob coz people maybe injured,but if u have abetter way to fix this so i would agree with U....from deadgirl XD (12 years ago)

is it 4 me jenny?  (12 years ago)

one man there that he slapped to minister of agriculture. Kinda satisfied me.. yoo yeeh I've watch that shot many times.. lolzz haha.. I am much against about corruption ! he deserved it ! eekk .. (12 years ago)

btw, girls, specially to whitewine, if we r b totaly honest and think about universe, then damocracy will b gud.btw, what will u do if sm1 slap/abuse u? (12 years ago)

i dont mean the end of this topic,but just U & me...btw who's deadwine?????  (12 years ago)

@Deadwine : Don't use emotional in these things.. I saw you had given your opinion on public domain over here! so that why I asking to you in return., Can't I?! please don't be off-topic by saying me that what I can or can't do.. that's not mainly of common sense of my question.! Lemme ask you more clearly., That we must to accepted whichsoever will happened in next which a Party's been chose government as you said,... Whatever of the reason behind of these things go on...,( For own benefits ,selfish, much of support money that can blind to humans or even a wise man) Then what if a half versus not accepted causing some immorally happens. So then :- Would we like to overlook of corruption!? Would we like to accept it as part of us !? Hence please being clarification directly in my question..You're killed by your wish girl.!  (12 years ago)

Ya in damocratic society it is each for their own. they vote for the party that gives them the most benefit.  (12 years ago)

@bugty ....it was shared about the topic,would u like to do or what u can do......its about u,but dont put my name...coz i dont want to listen and remember U,i dont wanna know u....Bug (The End) (12 years ago)

For dishonest problem,we have the opposition to do the check and balance. Thus, we need strong and good opposition!  (12 years ago)

To whitewine said so, Then : Should have we make overlook of corruption!? Should have we accept it as part of us !? offer bribes then get by passed .. like that you mentioned so, .... if you can accepted whichsoever without morally., just like being accepted immoral as was true on a part of your life! & if all mankind thinks like you so can't imagination of what will happened on politics further!? Understanding,humanism nature then does not to strict but never less elastic! there should stand on limited... Listen & Remember I will be the one who make of an objection for it all .. thank you. (12 years ago)

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