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 who is exedexes?who is rodayao?

roda is somebody who loves to sit on d other side of d fence, questions who could drive me hazy interest me thats why ppl thought am crazy.. hahahaha..i do not really mean to offend anyone, i just want a good discussion. If i offended some of you...am sorry...  (13 years ago)

because, in that moment i didn't know what write... (13 years ago)

why people in this forum always use rodayao's name in their own topics? (13 years ago)

scusa se ho sbagliato a scrivere il tuo nome (13 years ago)

Girlistar, nn farci caso alle cavolate che ho detto prima. ok? stavo litigando con ql deficente. (13 years ago)

anch'io studiavo musica. (13 years ago)

anch'io studiavo musica. (13 years ago)

amo tutti i brani dei tokio hotel..ascolto di tutto in generale ho 17 anni e studio musica da qnd ne avevo 9..ma la mia canzone preferita e right now di akon e pain of love dei tokio hotel.  (13 years ago)

cazzo mi frega pezzo di merda? (13 years ago)

cazzo mi frega pezzo di merda? (13 years ago)

yes..exe. He knws italian hahah... Sala tum kya boli apun ki samj mei nahi aaya..o ou... (13 years ago)

quindi sai l'italiano, eh? (13 years ago)

i have knwn italians to be gentlemen but not in ua case shemale exxx...d,stop soiling their good name.please please i beg u,if u have nothing to do please dont do it in our sweet forum.stop flooding our forum with ua dirt.grow up idiot. (13 years ago)

Pne..coso, come cazzo si chiama ...fanculo. (13 years ago)

@exedexes, wht do u think? O..ou.. (13 years ago)

exe...bla bla bla is a non-entity,gender unknown maybe a shemale will do fine,she/he doesnt have any friend but is trying his/her best to make a name for her/himself by riding on lady hot rod's back.shame on u and may the Most High whip u. (13 years ago)

alien 2012 is...? (13 years ago)

exedexes is a girl..hahaha... (13 years ago)

can you speak italian? sai parlare italiano? (13 years ago)

I dnt know who r u?.. but I know Only myroda..and seem u enjoy to knw specially someone person...well.. why not post only yr self.. huh!.. posting name other as dnt even ask any permission..from herself.. do u know respect personal rights or personal life others? (13 years ago)

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