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The old name of balochistan was Mehrgarh!! (11 years ago)

Ques 5 Correct Answer :- totally we have 12060 Topic on Ownskin Forum ! (11 years ago)

QUESTION :- 6 Balochistan is a province of Pakistan and iran back in 1940s it was country so my Question is what is the oldest name of Balochistan ? like the old name of india was hindustan  (11 years ago)

Now There are 10202 topics at forum  (11 years ago)

answer :- 5 there are 10197 topics at ownskin forum.  (11 years ago)

Ques :5 :- Last question about forum ...! Total How Many Topic has created on Ownskin Forum ? ans under 14 hours ! (11 years ago)

imbest@ lets find again i m sure that 2nd topic is > 2012 - End of World ? and 3rd topic is > Share you ideas of OS services ! (11 years ago)

GIFT0101@ you must have to ans as normal post ! plese do not use Comment Option ! (11 years ago)

hey yff I remember the 2nd topic it was "share your ideas about os"  (11 years ago)

imbest@ please give answer of Ques 2 asked bye you ! @ if no one ans your ques then you will have to post correct ans ! thank you !  (11 years ago)

Correct Answer Of Ques 2 :- 2nd Topic was :- 2012 - End of World ? and 3rd post:- Share you ideas of OS services!  (11 years ago)

imbest 2nd post was :- 2012 - End of World ? (11 years ago)

Question no 4 Skinner "Skinexample" was moderator of ownskin or he was admin or he was just a skinner ?

Just Ordinary Skinner..  -   Comment by GIFT0101
(Dec 6 2012 11:45AM)
 (11 years ago)

Answer :- 3 The 2nd topic of ownskin was "OwnSkin Mini Forum (beta)" confused na now I will explain when he created the 1st topic it was posted twice so the 1st and 2nd both are same and the 3rd topic was "Share you ideas of OS services" this topic was also created by admin service.  (11 years ago)

really no idea imbest maybe rodayo? (11 years ago)

I better play some logic games it will exercise more my brain if you'll set this kind of topic, make sure it will really gonna crack your brain (11 years ago)

Ques 3 :- Find the 2nd or 3rd Topic of Ownskin Forum ? Post your answer under 14 hour after posting question !  (11 years ago)

you can answer your question if anybody not answering you !  (11 years ago)

I think there is nobody who can answer the question  (11 years ago)

ok yff  (11 years ago)

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