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NICE,i like't..bravo amigo!  (12 years ago)

yes..haha nice idea my roda.. agree with you. so if I have I will use it ( flying in love )  (12 years ago)

falling is painful while flying is pleasant, idk why they didnt call it flying in love instead of falling in love hahahaha (12 years ago)

90 % of ppl fall in love to fulfil their prime objective called 'LUST'  (12 years ago)

no i am not old S.sis... i am new completely new and dont worry anbout my hair (12 years ago)

Hey S.bro U look old now Don't get too angry or will have white hair later  (12 years ago)

not yet S.sis... (12 years ago)

hey S.bro what u doing here playing without me  (12 years ago)

maybe its true! maybe not at all... Cherry bro, how can I know better then you!?  (12 years ago)

yes sis..i think u know well.. (12 years ago)

Nice sharing ever Hopefully, we can add text font color etc ^ eg. Picture showing, for it'd more pro-thread as you ever, Whatever, Do you still fallin love? cherry bro. (12 years ago)

Here, people fall in love because they want to offer someone something good that they have. They want to be with someone not as to depend on him or her but to share their life with them. They have something good to offer and they want something good in return. They want to spend time with someone not because they are scared to be alone but because they enjoy the other person’s company. They are not in the relationship with closed eyes but open eyes. They can see all; the good and bad happening, and they are ignoring the bad because they are scared to be alone, or because they feel embarrassed that it’s happening to them.Being in love is about giving and receiving what is good. Please, underline the word good. Most people miss this point. A lot of people love the idea of being in love but not the actual fact. If many people understand the real reason of being in love and what being in love is, there would be less divorce, heartbreaks, suicides, violence and anything else that is related to bad breakups or bad  (12 years ago)

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