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About Me:

Cart-King manufactures mobile indoor and outdoor vending units. Our portable food carts and kiosks are food safe and made from stainless steel and aluminum. Our mobile food carts for sale and concession units and food stand vendors will reflect your business desires and styling. We use aluminum extruded roll down security shutters on our concession stand for sale which have a key lockable bolt which will secure your food cart or kiosks at night.
A growing business trend is that of larger, outdoor, aluminum kiosks. Cart-King can also provide tow-able carts and kiosks for your business. These units allow you to be highly mobile in your search for customers. Various small and large scale businesses rely on mall food vendor kiosks or mall food carts for promoting their business products and services. The mobile cart or kiosk concept can promote your brand in more dramatic way than traditional methods.

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Relation: Is a Secret
Skinner Since: 8 years ago
Last Login: 8 years ago

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