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WogenLis @Free Mahjong Games

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Himself certainly that John could not remain long a shepherd, and at the first opportunity changed this profession on absolutely other mahjong. Among John's relatives on mother there was a school teacher Mozes Owen. Having examined John's knowledge which are taken out from a shelter, Owen took it to himself in assistants. Not for long John and on this place stayed. Owen was the person absolutely ignorant, but the extremely ambitious mahjong titans. Having seen that John knows more him, Owen ceased to allow him to occupations with pupils, and forced to fulfill the watchman's duties. John had to clean boots, revenges of the room, heat furnaces and so on, without receiving besides for all the work not a stiver. John left also this "kind" relative soon and went to Liverpool. Here it found the salesman's place at one butcher free mahjong. In Liverpool lived alone from his aunts, and it lodged at it. Situation it was still not brilliant.
The place brought to it so a little that the salary went almost entirely for payment for the contents. And what this contents was, it is possible to see from this that John had to sleep on one bed with the aunt's son who since the beginning began to feed for it the hostile relations leading nearly every night to a fight. But as badly it was necessary to John, he did not despond, he had already at this time a definite purpose for the sake of which he also got over to Liverpool. This purpose consisted in going to America, to make to itself there career, to grow rich and, having returned to dear mother, to relieve it of poverty.
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Skinner Since: 9 years ago
Last Login: 9 years ago

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