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Idea for Valentine Days

kairikairi Guestbook

najafi  (13 years ago)
tomcruise4  (13 years ago)
Background pictures here!Photo pictures here!Photo pictures here!Photo pictures here!
elameral  (13 years ago)




emadbarka  (13 years ago)

elameral  (13 years ago)
Thank you very much my dear friend

maruf794  (13 years ago)

To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of a sIsTeR...
aSk sOmEoNe WhO DoEsN’T HaVe oNe
To ReALizE tHe VaLUe oF TeN YeArS...
AsK A NewLY dIvOrCeD CoUpLe
To ReAiLzE tHe VaLUe oF FoUr yEaRs...
aSk a gRaDuAtE
To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe yEaR...
AsK A StUdEnT WhO hAs fAiLeD A FiNaL ExAm
To ReAiLzE tHe vALUe oF NiNe mOnThS...
AsK A MoThEr wHo gAvE BiRtH To a sTiLL bOrN
To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe mOnTh...
aSk a mOtHeR wHo hAs gIvEn bIrTh tO a pReMaTuRe bAbY
To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe wEeK...
AsK An eDiToR Of a wEeKLY NeWsPaPeR
To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe hOuR...
AsK ThE LoVeRs wHo aRe wAiTiNg tO MeEt
To ReAiLzE tHe vAlUe oF OnE MiNuTe...
aSk a pErSoN wHo hAs mIsSeD ThE TrAiN, bUs oR PLAnE
To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe-sEcOnD...
AsK A PeRsOn WhO HaS SuRvIvEd aN AcCiDeNt
To ReAiLzE tHe vALUe oF OnE MiLLIsEcOnD...
AsK ThE PeRsOn wHo hAs wOn a siLVeR MeDaL In tHe oLyMpIcS
TimE WaItS FoR No oNe...
tTreAsUrE EvErY MoMeNt yOu hAvE..!*

{Image} FiLl uR TiMe wIt sUcCeSs...
hApPiNeSs...LauGh & LovE
WoNdErFuL NiGhT.
{Image} ThaNx tO VisiT

najafi  (13 years ago)
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elameral  (13 years ago)
{Image} elameral {Image}
elameral  (13 years ago)
a {Image} ELAMERAL {Image}
elameral  (13 years ago)
{Image} elameral {Image}

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