Profil Saya


Login terakhir: 15 years ago
Skinner sejak: 17 years ago
negara: cavite...
jenis kelamin: wanita
Umur: 37

Anonymous Identity

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Hubungan: Dalam hubungan
Model seluler: N6630, N7373
Operator seluler: smart, globe
Pekerjaan: RN,
Yang saya suka: HOBBIES, maggala, magshopping, 2mambay, magtxt, ma2log, makipagdaldal, umiyak, 2mawa, manggulo, manahimik, sumayaw, magdesyn, khit ano
Yang Saya tidak suka: plastix, and copy cat, darn
Musik favorit: techno, dance, luv songs,
Film favorit: spiderman 1, 2 and d upcoming 3, cruel intentions 1, 2, 3, pirates of the carribean 1, 2, naked weapon, cinderella story, mean girls, ms, congeniality 1, 2, mr, and mrs, smith, youve got served, honey, bring it on 1, 2, 3, american pie 1, 2, 3, 4
Buku favorit: 101 ways to dance, have a happy heart
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*~~ pink....
*~~ green...
*~~ yellow...
*~~ orange...
*~~ dancing...
*~~ jopai...
*~~ jofei...
*~~ angel lamia...
*~~ renzy...
*~~ tazzy...
*~~ quemo...
*~~ doodle...
*~~ dolfina...
*~~ rupple and pupple...

and especially...

*~~ im a kikay..... kawaii!!

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