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أخر دخول: 13 سنة
عضو منذ: 16 سنة
المدينة: philippines
الجنس: أنثى
العمر: 33

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المزيد عني

العلاقة: أعزب
نوع الجوال: N70
المهنة: model
الشركات: aloha
المدارس: bethany
أنا أحب: surfin, 39, the net
أنا أكره: backfighters, backstabborn, playas, copycats
الموسيقى المفضلة: brown eyes, beautiful days, big girls dont cry
الأفلام المفضل: a walk to remember,
الكتب المفضلة: books written by judith mcnaught and meg cabott
المشاهير المفضلون: a lot to mention
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empress: never fall in love with the guy next door....trust me he will move!

OwnSkin في صندوق



.ii am n0t a pRincess.
.ii wEar n0 tiara, n0 Long pink dRess, studded wit diam0nds.

.my hAir is aLways mEssy, my eyEs, they are n0t bLue, im n0t s0 very graci0us, i d0nt aLways teLL the truth.

.ii d0nt wAve t0 pe0pLe fr0m the strEets, and my pLates are
n0t made of g0Ld, my Lips are n0t naturaLLy rEd
and s0metimes my y0ung b0dy feeLs 0Ld.

.ii d0nt have miLLi0n 0f d0LLars, stashed awAy, hidden<br s0mewhere, but the truth 0f the matter is...
ii d0nt reaLLy care.

.ii hAve pe0pLe wh0 L0ve me, n0 matter what i d0.

.i'LL try bein niCer if uL try bein smArter!. L0l.<br />

.pe0pLe Laugh at me cUz im different, ii LAuGh at them
becaUse they are aLL the sAme.

.ii am stiL a h0peLess r0mantic n0ntheLess, im f0rever stuck wit br0ken pr0mises. iv heard dem 0L. bUt em tRyin t0 chanGe that.

.ii am easy t0 get aL0ng wit, f 0nce u pe0pLe wiL Learn t0 w0rship me. L0l.

.ii am Lure and deniaL. c0ntradicti0n pers0nified. i wAnt wUt ii wAnt nD ders n0thin wr0ng b0ut tat. nUff said, hate me, LuBB me, i dUn giv a dAmn. tis is me.

.ii fiGht back when im pr0voked, s0 dUn mess with me. if tat wUd make me a bitch, s0 be it. i'LL embrace the titLe, anD im pr0ud t0 bear it.

.evEry gurL dreamz of hAvin a 0ne true L0ve. s0me says itst0o imp0ssibLe, its t0o 0verb0ard, but ii jUst kn0,, a gurL Like me deserves 0ne.

.ii kn0 he s out there s0mewhere, mAybe destiny wiLL brinG us t0gether. =)
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