wow.. Dats cool.. Can yo teach me?
welcome.. I'm fine and yo? Btw kung fu class? Really?
If U'rE nOt haPpy beIng siNGle, u'lL neVer bE haPpy iN A reLaTiOnShIp ! Y ?! LIVe uR oWn lIFe fiRst, nD tHEn tRy tO shAre iT wITh sOMe1 sPeCiAl... gOOd eVeNiNg dEAr...!!!
ayie ciat..alhamdulillah..
lia mcm ne??ok?
how r u?
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yeah i can hear it screamin "PLEASE FEED ME"
thanx.. I'm a nice guy but most people dont realize dat..
um wat should yo eat?
pizza and soda?
dont say dat.. I might not know yo much.. But still i'm yor friend.. Cheer up ok.. dese tings dont always last.. Trust me.! Once again de sun would shine in yor lyf..
be happy..
my fwen only a dead books , damn . Nobody cheer me up when am down . . Wad a bad life.
no i'm just feelin ill.. And how r yo?
EacH DaY GoD seNds hIs anGEls tO guIde uS. We doN't exPEct tO sEe tHEm wITh wiNgs, oR wITh hALo fLyIng abOve thEir heAds. InStead, tHEy cOMe in disGUise aNd wE cAll tHEm friEnds. ThANks fOr beIng aN anGel tO mE! GooD eVeNiNg mY dEAr frIEnd...!!!
oh i tot only guys can be lyk dis.. Yo know.. It also happened 2 me.! Stupid guy takes away ma girl.. But i just left it.!
dats really bad.. How can girls be lyk dis?
yo seem angry in yor latest feelin's
yeah i know.. Glad school is over 4 me.!